Total Farms
Total Area
Active Farms
Paused Farms
Expiring/Expired Farms
S. No. | Farm Id | User Name/Description | Total Area (in Hectares) |
Subscription Duration (Months/Subscription Expiry Date) |
Farm Added On | Remark |
Farm Id | User Name/Description | Total Area(in Hectares) |
Enter Email ID of the team member or share the secret keys with the team member.
Once an invitation is sent, the partner is required to add a partner field through their account. Once the partner adds a partner field with your secret keys, a request will appear in your pending requests section. Once you approve the request, the partner will be able to see and manage your field.
Congratulations! Your field has been registered successfully for Satellite Monitoring. You will start receiving results within 10 minutes.You can generate the Farm Advisory by clicking the Jeevan AI button in the sidebar.
The results of this field are yet to be processed. You will receive the results soon.
Invalid OTP.
Invalid Phone Number
Country Code can not be empty
Do you want to delete this Polygon?
Please Enter Secret Keys shared by the partner
Incorrect Keys. Please check them again and resubmit.
Note: Once an invitation is sent, contact your field partner to approve your request from their account. Once the request is approved, you will be able to manage and see the partner field.
Enter Email ID of the team member or share the secret keys with the team member.
Invitation Sent!
Invalid Email ID. Please check it again and resend.